Well everyone, I´ve been cataloging away for three weeks now – two weeks to go! As I neared 600 books today, I had a brainstorm: why not let you all in on the fun by guessing how many books I´ll catalog before I go?
The person with the closest guess gets an authentic, made-in-Guatemala souvenir (it´s a surprise! – because I haven´t bought it yet…)
Some facts (for those of you who want to make this a math problem – hee hee: good luck!)
1st week: ended with 232 books cataloged (there were about 140 already in, but I went through all those records to verify them and add more info).
2nd week: ended with 363 books
3rd week (today): ended with 616 books
The fine print:
Leave your guess as a comment.
Only one guess per person.
The person with the closest guess gets an authentic, made-in-Guatemala souvenir (it´s a surprise! – because I haven´t bought it yet…)
Some facts (for those of you who want to make this a math problem – hee hee: good luck!)
1st week: ended with 232 books cataloged (there were about 140 already in, but I went through all those records to verify them and add more info).
2nd week: ended with 363 books
3rd week (today): ended with 616 books
The fine print:
Leave your guess as a comment.
Only one guess per person.
I´m not splitting up the prize, so if a number is taken, choose another (or it goes to the first person who picked the number).
I´m not going to share my progress anymore after this point so guess any time.
I´ll post the final number and winner on July 20th – so please post a guess by 4:00 p.m. Guatemala time on the 20th!
I´m not going to share my progress anymore after this point so guess any time.
I´ll post the final number and winner on July 20th – so please post a guess by 4:00 p.m. Guatemala time on the 20th!
I am not sure if you remember me from WGYF but I was at FGC this week and met Jeremy and wanted to say congrats on your upcoming wedding! Hope you are well!
From OHCS:
Sheila Parkins 1,075
Ernie 1001
Marcie Clark 1,263
Andi 1,100
Bill 1000
Verna 1,400
Kim Lansdon 1577
At least those are the guesses for now! OHCS is loving the posts!
Another guess from OHCS:
Connie 1407
If I was truely playing the Price Is Right I would A) wait until the 20th and B)totally hem Bill in by guessing 999 or hem Ernie in by going for 1002.
However, my highly calculated guess is . . . 1176 total books.
They have no faith in you Aimes. I do!
You better get faster.... Chopchop! Mush!
My coworker Julie B has a lot of faith in you Aimee - she must have heard tales of when you worked at OHCS! Her guess is...
i am not posting a guess as I am sure as your sister i get a prize automatically....
1485 - a purely mathematical guess based on the average increase in your productivity per week, but excluding the books that were partially catalogued before you arrived.
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